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Pet Eye Doctors

Veterinary Ophthalmology Specialty Practice

Dr. Dennis Olivero, DVM

4053 Highway Seven
St. Louis Park, MN
Phone: 952-929-8299


Veterinary Ophthalmology Specialty Practice is a referral specialty practice that is limited solely to the diagnosis and treatment of animal eye disease. No general veterinary care is performed. Just as your own doctor might refer you to a specialist for certain conditions, your veterinarian has recognized a problem that requires specialized tests, equipment, or treatments that can be better handled in a practice dedicated only to your pet's eyes.


Animal Eye Specialty Center

Dr. Robert D. Larocca DVM, DACVO

13783 Ibis St. NW
Suite 800
Andover, MN 55304
Phone: 952-929-8299


Dr. Larocca provides a full-service professional ophthalmology practice with diagnostic, medical and surgical procedures. Animal Eye Specialty Center is equipped with the most advanced state of the art equipment.

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