Katie's K9 Radio Show of 21 years!
This page lists topics and information from Katie K9's weekly radio show.

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I understand that you may not always be able to take notes during the show, so I wanted to take notes for you!
On this page, I will try to list the products, phone numbers, or internet links that were mentioned during the radio show. That way, you can Sit, Stay, and Relax during the show!
Check back often to see what Katie K9 has been talking about!
Sundays, Noon-2pm!
Call with Questions: 651-641-1071

Ethell helping me out at my show!

Pet Poison Hot Line: 1-800-213-6680

What Vets Don't Tell You About Vaccines
by Catherine O’Driscoll
Veterinarians around the world were advising pet owners to vaccinate their animal companions against disease every year. In the author's opinion, annual vaccination is neither necessary, nor safe. In this book the author brings fresh information and explains why she feels you can protect your dogs and cats from disease homeopathically, without risking their lives at the same time.
Shock to the System
by Catherine O’Driscoll
The facts about animal vaccination, pet food, and how to keep your pets healthy- Are vaccinations and stress making your pets SICK?
Natural Immunity - Why You Should Not Vaccinate
by Pat McKay
This is a MUST read for all pet owners! Get educated about vaccinations and disease and then draw your own conclusions about annual vaccinations (read the book for free, online, by clicking this link).
Pat McKay was a pioneer in animal nutrition over 30 years ago and has led the way to natural healthcare and ways to have happier, healthier, longer-lived pets WITHOUT the chronic diseases that plague so many pets today. Her research for the book quotes MANY experts in the fields of immunology and veterinarian science.
Stop the Shots! by John Clifton
The Animal Connection
N616 130th Street
Stockholm, WI
Phone: 612-812-8788
Email: animalcn@isd.net
Website: www.animal-connection.com
So, you think your pet should be in pictures, in ads or on TV? Contact Barb at The Animal Connection! She also takes GREAT photos of any animal or pet — check her out!
Animal Essentials
For top-of-the-line probiotics, digestive enzymes and whole food supplements.
Animal Eye Specialty Center
13783 Ibis St. NW, Suite 800
Andover, MN
Phone: 763-767-3937
Animal Eye Specialty Center is a private referral center for specialized professional eye care and surgery of most species of animals. AESC is located in Andover, MN., a northern suburb of Minneapolis/ St. Paul. We are sure you will find AESC a unique facility to provide you and your pets a high quality and rewarding experience. Patients referred to our facility are only evaluated for their ophthalmic concerns and we are not affiliated with any other veterinary practice.
Veterinary Ophthalmology Specialty Practice
Dr. Dennis Olivero DVM
4053 Highway Seven
St. Louis Park, MN
Phone: 952-929-8299
Veterinary Ophthalmology Specialty Practice is a referral specialty practice that is limited solely to the diagnosis and treatment of animal eye disease. No general veterinary care is performed. Just as your own doctor might refer you to a specialist for certain conditions, your veterinarian has recognized a problem that requires specialized tests, equipment, or treatments that can be better handled in a practice dedicated only to your pet's eyes.
Animal Folks MN
Animal Folks is devoted to systemic change: By partnering with authorities and other community members, Animal Folks is working to build a modern animal law enforcement system in Minnesota for the prevention of animal cruelty and improved enforcement of animal anti-cruelty laws. Animal Folks is a 501c3 nonprofit. Learn more.
Bonnie Illies Animal Intuitive & Animal Healer
Since 1998, Bonnie Illies has been helping animals heal when other methods have failed. As an Intuitive, Bonnie detects the root of the concern. As a Healer, she helps animals regain emotional and physical health. Many of her cases are with animals suffering from severe and chronic conditions. This effective, noninvasive approach is appreciated by clients and their animals all across the United States, Canada and Europe. Clients, including veterinarians and medical doctors, can attest "this works" as 99 out of 100 cases show visible results and often full recovery, even in situations that were considered hopeless by doctors. When you see the results for yourself, Bonnie will become the alternative to your veterinarian.
Cancer Resources
If you just found out that your dog has CANCER you must read this book BEFORE you do anything:
"Help Your Dog Fight Cancer: What Every Caretaker Should Know About Canine Cancer, Featuring Bullet's Survival Story" by Laurie Kaplan
by John Clifton
Killing cancer NATURALLY in humans and dogs with PAW PAW. Enter PROMO CODE: Katie for 25% OFF your order! Or there is a volume discount on 10 books – get 40% OFF. This book is a MUST for anyone that has had, or is going through, cancer now.
Canine Body Language Book
A Must read for all dog owners, especially if you go to dog parks or are having social problems at home or out and about: "Canine Body Language - A Photographic Guide" by Brenda Aloff.
Cat Food Reviews
#1 Site for Cat Food Information.
Our sole intention is to provide consumers with reliable, unbiased reviews on all popular cat food brands available on today's market. We are neither veterinarians nor animal nutritionist, but rather enthusiasts who have studied and researched the market for over three years. Providing our own pets with quality food has always been a top priority, and with all the confusion about what is actually good for your pet, we decided it would be in the interest of cats everywhere to share this information for free. We also encourage consumers to post reviews as they see fit.
Coconut Oil- extra virgin & cold pressed
For Humans, dogs, cats and even horses! There are so many benefits to adding Coconut Oil our and our pets' diets. Great for: digestion problems, IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), Arthritis. Google the benefits of coconut oil, there are so many to put here! You can find it at Health Food stores or buy it on line.
Give your pets: 1 teaspoon per 10# of body weight, with a maximum of 3 Tablespoons.
Conscious Cat
This is the site ALL CAT OWNERS NEED to visit! GREAT information on BEHAVIOR, CARE, & FOODS.
De-Skunker! - Recipe Here
Dog Food Advisor
Saving Good Dogs from Bad Dog Food.
Dog food reviews and dog food ratings updated regularly. The Dog Food Advisor is published as a public service to help you make a more informed decision when shopping for dog food.
EPI- Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency
To learn more about dogs that have EPI- Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency go to: www.epi4dogs.com. It is up to you as an owner to learn as much as you can about EPI, and this link will help you and your pet.
Fleas & Ticks
Here are some suggestions that work:
Cut up 4 lemons, pour 4 cups of BOILING water over them, let set overnight, then strain and put juice into a plant mister type sprayer, then spritz your pets when going out and about. Put remaining juice in refrigerator.
Get a bandana — then either Peppermint oil or Eucalyptus Oil (you decided on what smell you like). Put ONE SMALL drop of which oil you are using. The Bandana goes on when you go out, when you come back in the house, leave on for an hour, then put back into zip lock bag until you need it again.
Diatomaceous Earth (DE) - Human/food grade only. Put into a baby sock, zip tie it shut, then LIGHTLY PAT under dogs chin /chest, by rump & tail, back of neck. Repeat every 2 wks or so, or after a bath or playing in water.
Use a flea comb to check for fleas and to nab any ticks. It also can nab deer ticks — comb around head, neck, ears, armpits, between back legs. If you catch one, dip comb in a jar of rubbing alcohol to kill them.
Give “BUG OFF” garlic tablets daily from SPRINGTIME inc. (www.springtimeinc.com). I do this along with one of the others. I give them from April 1st to November 1st.
FLEA FREE works well too. Just spray it on.
ORGANIC APPLE CIDER VINEGAR - lightly spritz your dog
Ambertick Natural Flea and Tick Protection for Dogs and Cats
Ticks are tiny parasites that can be found anywhere, from the deep woods and urban parks to backyards. Each year thousands of dogs and cats become infected with serious diseases transmitted by a number of different ticks. The most common diseases are ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease, vector-borne disease and anaplasmosis. But some ticks are known to carry more than one of these diseases, which can lead to multiple infections, complicated treatments and greater health risks.
The risk of exposure to vector-borne disease has increased in recent years as more and more people and pets move into areas that were previously wild and still rapidly inhabited by ticks. Symptoms of diseases caused by ticks are often vague and difficult to recognize, thus many pet owners don't know their dog or cat is suffering from a debilitating tick disease until it's too late.
Chemical Free
95% effective to keep your pet free of ticks
Each Amber piece is separated by knots in order to spin easier and charge up at maximum capacity.
Long lasting. It only needs to be washed thoroughly every 3 months in order to remove the grease.
Lifetime guarantee.
Healing Oils for Pets
Amy Delong
Phone: 651-485-2770
Help for your Fur Baby | Holistic Pet Care - Amy Williams DeLong
Amy is a certified Aromatherapist - with 300 hours of training.
Helping animals be healthy and happy.
Relieve allergies
Alleviate pain
Modify behavior
Ease signs of aging
Calm anxiety
Dr. Jean Dodds DVM
She is a GREAT resource for all you need to know about health issues and nutrition in your dogs.
These are the BEST two websites that every dog owner NEEDS to go to for ALL HEALTH QUESTIONS & HOLISTIC - NATURAL ways to cure problems or prevent health problems.
Holistic Veterinary Care
Dr. Jessica Levy
Holistic Veterinary Care is a practice based on holistic values and the homeopathic understanding of the significance of symptoms and the spectrum of health and disease.
KLN Family Brands
This is the parent company of NUTRISOURCE. KLN has awesome people snacks!
Australian Wiley Wallaby Licorice (KT's favorite the Green Apple or Lemonade)
Lost Dogs Minnesota
We are an all-volunteer group committed to reuniting owners with their lost dogs. This service is provided free to dog owners, shelters/rescues and animal control professionals.
Nutrisource & Purevita: Dog & Cat food & Treats
Healthy Dog Food & Cat Food | NutriSource Pet Foods
…and GREAT TREATS TOO… all made in Perham MN — a family-owned company for over 43 years! All their pet foods are HIGH-QUALITY ingredients, NO corn, NO by products, NO soy, NO dyes and made with only HIGH-QUALITY meats and fish. They have never had a recall in 49 years of making pet foods and treats. To learn more about all their products and their GREAT HIGH-QUALITY TREATS go to www.nutrisourcepetfoods.com.
Organic Lawn Service - Stop the Chemicals!
Web Site: www.organiclawnsbylunseth.com
For you, your kids, grandkids, and pets' sake!! Better and healthier lawns begin with you...Join me in being a better steward of our planet.
Pack N Nap Dog & Cat Beds
Email: nancy@felinesnoozers.com
Web Site: www.felinesnoozers.com
Raised dog beds are the best thing for any dog of any age - and especially for dogs dealing with joint problems or are older that have a hard time getting up from laying down. You can get a custom made raised dog bed reasonability priced at Pack-N-Nap. They also create GREAT cat towers, check that out too!
People Training for Good Dogs
A book for ALL dog owners … whether you are a dog owner or… if you are considering getting a dog… PLEASE read this BEFORE you get a dog… This is the new “Bible” for all dog owners… learn to understand how your dog thinks… go to www.ptfgd.com to order this book. It will be one of the BEST investments towards the relationship with your dog. It will truly help you have the BEST relationship with yours and ALL dogs!
Perpetual Motion Pet Chiropractor
Dr. Rebecca Amstutz
Pet lovers seek out chiropractic care for a number of reasons. Many choose chiropractic to help their dog, cat or horse recover from an injury, to increase mobility, reduce arthritis pain and to treat chronic conditions and health problems. People also incorporate chiropractic as part of their pet's wellness routine to keep their animals healthy and prevent injuries.
Pet Food Recalls & Reviews
Pet Loss MN Pets
At Home Euthanasia
Phone: 651-354-9423
Pet Euthanasia at Home - MN Pets
Deciding to euthanize a loved pet can be one of the most difficult times in your life. If you are facing this complicated decision, and would like to discuss it with an experienced veterinarian, please feel free to contact me. We can schedule the appointment if you decide it is time. You do not need to feel alone with this euthanasia decision for your dog or cat. I understand that this decision is yours to make, and I can support you.
So Easy to Love, So Hard to Lose
by Laurie Kaplan
Losing a loved pet can be devastating. After working so hard to provide a pet with good health care, diet, exercise and love, we must turn our attention to giving that pet a peaceful death.
I hope this book will help people after the loss of a pet, when they are feeling that nothing will help.
Snorts Special Gift
by Suzann Yue
Savy is worried. Her dog, Snort, is very sick. Savy's parents explain that Snort will need to leave their family because it's the only way that Snort's pain will go away and be at peace. Savy knows this is best, but what will Savy do without her best friend?
In Snort's Special Gift, Savy and her family explore different ways to grieve for and remember a beloved pet. This healing story addresses feelings of loss in gentle and supportive ways as the family shares happy memories and creates a beautiful celebration of Snort's life. And in the end, Savy discovers that Snort has more gifts to share with her...
Pet Cremation of Minnesota
Gentle in-home Euthanasia
Individual Cremation
They can pick up at your home or vet clinic
John and his team are so great to work with, I know this from working with them and my fur kids.
Pet Poison Helpline
Pet Portraits by Merilee
This is my Gilligan pictured here!
Raw Bistro - Raw Diet for Your Dog or Cat
Raw food, treats, and dog bones – freshly made in Cannon Falls MN Grass feed beef, free range turkeys and chickens. For locations on where to buy it and learn more go to: www.rawbistro.com.
Raw Butcher Bones
Grundhofer’s Old-Fashion Meats
15449 Forest Blvd N
Hugo, MN
Phone: 651-426-2800
RAW butcher bones are great to help keep dogs' teeth clean! Grundhofer’s Old-Fashion Meats in Hugo has them — 651-426-2800. DO NOT cook these. You want the big knuckle or shank bones. Give these ONLY to your dog if they do not turn into a Dr. Jeckyl (start growling, protecting it, dares you to take it or walk by it) over them. Give the bone in a controlled area so they cannot go bury it where it will get diseased and contaminated. Do not cook any bone that you give to your dog. Cooking causes bones to becomes dry and brittle and have a greater chance of doing damage to your dog (creating a "log jam" at the end of their rectum or having a jagged edge on a piece of bone and cutting the throat or rectum on the way down and out). If you choose to use a raw butcher bone (it is great for keeping their teeth clean, the nutrients they get from it are great, they have a great time playing with it) they will have to be "let out" to go potty more often for 24 hours after eating them. The bones are very rich, and the average dog gets a bit of the "runs" from them. DO NOT get any smoked bones - they are too high in salt and nitrates and are bad for the dogs. DO NOT get any sterilized bones - they are too hard and can break teeth.
Rhythm of Life Pet Chiropractor
Dr. Stacy Land
Ham Lake
Rhythm of Life Animal Chiropractic is dedicated to serving your pet's health and wellness needs. We are proud to offer affordable and convenient care for dogs, cats and horses. Please browse the site for more information or feel free to contact Dr. Stacy if you have any questions.
Non-Profits That Help Feed Pets in Need
Non-Profits that you can donate to for feeding pets or if you need help in feeding your pets
SidewalkDog.com is your local online resource for dog-friendly life in the Twin Cities. Since 2008 we've strived to bring you the choicest informational kibble around, fetching up everything you need to know, plus intriguing tidbits you won't want to miss.
Springtime Naturals
For great supplements for Dogs, Horses and Humans
Standard Process
Sassafras Health Foods | Supplements | White Bear Lake, MN
These supplements are unlike all others. You have to read about them to understand them. SASAFRASS HEALTH STORE in White Bear Lake carries the pet line and can order in anything you need if they do not have it on hand.
Statute of Limitations
Minnesota Statutes of Limitations
Animals are and have always been an intricate part of nature and our planet. The relationship of wild animals with the rest of Earth's ecosystems is what makes life on the planet possible for all living things. Just like there are rules and laws for humans that make the world a safer and more organized place, there are laws created to protect animals and regulate the way they are treated.
Animal law addresses issues such as mistreatment of animals, laboratory research on animals, and conservation of endangered species. Most of the laws are carried out on the state level, but additional laws are carried out by the federal government.
PO Box 123
Wyoming MN 55092
Phone: 612-986-1609
Katie lost her brother David F Wandtke to Suicide 2/14/12. Stomp Out Suicide is a group she has worked with.
The NATIONAL SUICIDE PREVENTION LIFELINE is 1-800-272-8255 OR www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org.
By John Clifton
Rethink your annual vaccinations. Understand how shots really work and how annual shots can be doing more harm than good for your best 4 legged friend. Empower yourself as an owner of any pet, dog, cat, horse, etc. This book is a must for you!
The Master of doing & reading Ultrasounds is DR. RALPH
Phone: 612-201-9309
Dr. Ralph works with many of the Vets in the Twin City area. You can request him also through your Vet (he has no website).
Wapiti Labs Elk Antler Velvet supplements
39555 Flink Ave
North Branch, MN 55056
Phone: 651-237-4051
Our Elk Velvet Antler supplements are a whole body supplement for pets and people. Benefits include support of the hips, joints, liver, kidneys, and the immune system. We use a proprietary process that ensures key organic compounds and elements from the elk velvet antler and herbal ingredients remain intact – making our supplements the most innovative you will find.
The Wildlife Science Center
22830 Sunrise Rd NE
Stacy MN 55079
Phone: 651-464-3993
The Wildlife Science Center is an independent non-profit organization located 30 minutes north of the Twin Cities. WSC was established as a non-profit organization in 1991 after a 15-year history as a federally-funded wolf research center, the "Wolf Project." When the federal funds ended, some of the existing staff chose to assume financial responsibility for the 30+ wolves living here at the time. Check their website for upcoming events and fundraisers.
Through a Dog's Ear
Music to calm dogs and cats with anxiety!